Dr. Sebi Viento Ingredients In Herbs or Capsules
Dr. Sebi's Viento is rejuvenating, energetic, and pure. The iron-rich tablets boost circulation and oxygenation, boosting both physical and mental stamina. The chaparral aids in the lymphatic waste elimination and heavy metal expulsion that depletes vitality. The strong antioxidant lignans lessen inflammatory harm, strengthen immunological defenses, and lessen cravings for addictive substances. The nourishing iodides and purifying bromides in bladderwrack improve oxygen levels, regulate energy levels, and suppress hunger while promoting thyroid function. Increasing cellular oxygenation and lowering stress with Valerian and Hierba del Sapo frees up energy for healing immunological processes. Hombre Grande promotes the development of red blood cells that deliver oxygen, improving cellular nutrition and energy generation. Herbs that are energizing enhance your body's natural ability to produce energy while enhancing emotional stability and mental clarity.
Product description for Viento
a revitalizer, cleaner, and energiser. brings iron that is rich in oxygen to the lymphatic system, brain, and central nervous system. focuses on the respiratory and renal systems. helps to reduce the desire for addictive substances. This nutrient complex has a high concentration of iron, which reduces inflammation and promotes cell growth. Extreme circumstances can be reversed quite effectively using it.
Main Ingredients (Previous)
- Sapo (Eryngium heterophyllum)
- Contribo (Aristolochia spp.)
- Chaparral (Larrea tridentata)
- Valerian (Valerian officinalis)
- Sea moss (Chondrus crispus) (sometimes Bladderwrack is used)
- Hombre Grande (Quassia amara) (used in some formula)
Dosage: 4 capsules daily
What these herbs do
Sapo/Saponaire (Hierba del Sapo) – is used for cough, urinary infections and to lower cholesterol levels (Estrada and Morales, 2002). The roots are edible and sweetened, eaten as confectionery or eaten toasted or roasted (Mabberley, 2008). The juice of the root in the form of extract or by decoction is taken as an aphrodisiac, by its diuretic action or to induce contractions of the uterus. The herb is combined with other medicinal plants for the treatment of gonorrhea (Martínez, 1989). It is also taken as tea to dissolve stones in the kidneys and gallbladder, for the treatment of cancer, to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Additionally, tea is taken to treat angina pectoris and to prevent arteriosclerosis (Argueta, 2014, Jiménez, 2012, Mendoza-Castelán and Lugo-Pérez, 2011, Berdonces, 2009).
Contribo – is used for energy or fighting fatigue, increasing appetite and circulation and improving the health of the immune system. It is used to address flus, colds, constipation, indigestion, depression, stomach aches, parasites, delayed menstruation, non-insulin dependent diabetes, to address liver problems, malaria, flus, colds, constipation, fevers, stomach aches, gastritis and parasites.
Chaparral – is used for rheumatism, arthritis, skin disorders, bursitis, lumbago, healing of external wounds, delayed menses, indigestion, kidney disorders, piles, tetanus and itching. Early American agent for sexually transmitted diseases, skin malignancy and skin cancer. Chronic chest complaints, gangrene, to strengthen eyes weakened from diabetes, cataract and to counteract metal poisoning.
Valerian – medicinal action and uses include anodyne, nervine, antispasmodic, nervous debility and irritation; and hysteria. It allays pain and promotes sleep. It is a strong nervine, without narcotic effects, and is used in various herbal nervine and anti-spasmodic compounds; is also useful in epilepsy, convulsions, etc. Valerian influences the circulation, slowing the heart and increasing its force, and has been used in cardiac palpitation. It is also used for epilepsy.
Sea Moss/Irish Moss – mucilage 55-90 percent carrageen (pectin), an abundance of sulphur in the form of sulphates of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Also phosphates, chlorides, iodides and bromides. Medicinal Properties and action include demulcent, pectoral, tonic and nutritive. Excellent in chronic pulmonary troubles, catarrh, digestive disturbances, dysentery, advanced tuberculosis. It is mentioned as being excellent in kidney and bladder affections. Overall excellent source of minerals.
Hombre Grande – therapeutic properties is that it is a tonic, stomachache, antiseptic, febrifuge, parasiticide, vermicide, germicide, antispasmodic, hepatic, digestant, slightly narcotic, having only a small amount of tannic acid, may be mixed with iron preparations to increase the hemoglobin and generate new blood, etc.
How to make viento
We do not know the exact herbal combinations that is used to make the Viento, however, you may still make your own version of ‘Viento’. click here to order these herbs
Click here to Order Cell Energizer Package In Capsules
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