Dr. Sebi Approved flour Combo Package- Organic-Quinoa , Amaranth, Spelt, , Teff -Starch/Gluten Free

- Stock: 7
- Model: Dr. Sebi Approved Flour
Gluten is starch, starch again is carbonic acid. Gluten clogs the system, it rots in the system, it wears the system down, gluten robs you of your iron , sulfide, gluten will deliver sulfides in your body.
Organic-Quinoa Flour-
Organic Amaranth Flour-
Organic Teff Flour -
Organic Spelt- Flour
And before we close out, Dr. Sebi can you please talk a bit about gluten, I’ve got a cofession for you [Dr. Sebi: Oh gluten], yes, yes.
Dr Sebi:
I remember when I was a Seventh Day Adventist, and Seventh Day Adventists specialize in Gluten and gluten again is starch. There is a sweetener that I recommend that I use everyday, they call it the agave nectar. The only sweetener that is claimed to be gluten free, why? it is said that why it is gluten free. Gluten is starch, starch again is carbonic acid. Gluten clogs the system, it rots in the system, it wears the system down, gluten robs you of your iron [Host: hmmmm], sulfide, gluten will deliver sulfides in your body.
So the gluten cancels out your iron…and so sulfides, that the ground for a lot of the cancer.
Dr Sebi:
It delivers sulfides which cause [Host: I’m sorry, so you said sulfides]. Sulfides rob you of iron, it robs you of [Host: OK], it robs you of…
Want to make sure I am clear for me and everybody that’s listening. So when you say the sulfides, that what oxidizes sulfur?
Dr Sebi:
Sulfides [Host: S-U-L-F-I-D-E-S], sulfides, sulfides [host: ah ha] are the residual of the gluten like lactic acid is the residual of milk, you see now [host: i see, i see]. Sulfide is like…i is the result of the presence of gluten, sulfide is bad, it robs you of oxygen. Sulfide robs you of oxygen [Host: I see what you’re saying] When we buy bread we should buy the one that says Spelt bread, Kamut bread [Host: KAMUT. How do you spell that? KAMUT how is that spelled, is it KAMUT or..] KHMUT…K H A M U T, khamut.
So as far as like wheat, like flat breads and things of that nature, like multi-grain breads and stuff.
Dr Sebi:
That’s bad, that’s bad, that’s no good. Spelt bread, kamut bread and as for grains to eat like rice you could also buy the fonio. F-O-N-I-O, fonio. Go to the website and you’re gonna see it and order it. It is a very good grain and has no starch. It’s an African grain.
For everybody, his website is www.drsebi…. what’s your take on wild rice or black rice?
Dr Sebi:
Black rice is no good, that’s starch. wild rice is good. Wild rice is very good. I eat wild rice and I eat fonio. Fonio taste better than wild rice, but its just as good. They both are good, wild rice and fonio. Try fonio and you would love it, you could make so many things. You could even make tamales with fonio [Host: really, ok ] vegetable tamales [Host: OK] and it is delicious.
So fonio, is that fine, like grain, like how the couscous would be?
Dr Sebi:
Fonio is like couscous, but couscous have starch. Fonio has no starch.
I’m glad that I asked that cause I have found, hmm from time to time, when I do buy the couscous, I noticed that if I don’t actually don’t grill up some herbs and some hot peppers, especially if I put something like scotch bonnet in it, if I don’t have that, I could just, my body would just start rejecting and some of that starch would just… I guess that’s the starch was coming up, what made me …think about with babies, you know how they say you have to burp the baby after they eat, thy say the baby is constantly, you know like bringing up the food. It is passed in our societies, and we just accept that it just something babies do but what I have seen is just that the babies are rejecting the starch from the body.
Dr Sebi:
That’s right. My baby eats fonio and she drinks sea moss and hemp seed milk. Hemp seed milk and sea moss and she is just as healthy and just as heavy and she’s just as energetic. But I give her iron everyday because we have a special bay food, we call it BANJU. Banju makes every baby fly and strengthens the immune system. All these things we have to bring to the public to ward off disease and prevent us from spending so much money trying to get healthy and out babies too. Especially our babies, we want our babies healthy.
Yes, yes, yeah, I mean that’s mandatory, you know, new life having to build and everything that they intake is going to be the foundation of their livelihood and on that note Dr Sebi, what is Similac?
Dr Sebi:
Similac, you mean that milk?
Yes, that powdered milk that they give a lot of the mothers, stuff that they buy to give the children, what they call it formula, the other name for it.
Dr Sebi:
It’s dried cow’s milk with other chemicals in it, and all the mother has to do to avoid any kind of pitfalls is to buy some hemp seeds and put it in the blender with some water and it pelts to milk and you cook some sea moss and you mix that with some vanilla and you sweeten that with some agave and your baby’s gonna love that better than anything you could put in their mouth. Little girl came to visit me tonight with her daddy and the little girl was 1 year and 5 months. When the mother gave her to drink that baby did not want to let go off that cup. Sea moss and hemp milk, that baby did not want to let go of the cup, oh my god the baby went crazy…a pretty little girl. The mama said my baby, my baby is heavy. I’ve got to…my stuff [Host: starch, I hear you hmmm. But wow, Dr Sebi…]. We get Boston land from Lisa Lopez to build a sea wing village so that we could begin to treat sick children, Its a beautiful environment….we want you to see and we want you to give us suggestions, we are open for suggestions.
That’s a deal, that’s a deal and I thank you for inviting me, thank you for that [Sebi: Thank you for something], yes.We are pretty much winding down and, so I noticed that we didn’t have any other callers coming in. So Dr Sebi was there anything else that you wanted to share with the people before we close out.
Dr Sebi:
Well I always think of this when I am asked this question. Whenever we leave our house to go in the streets, the first person you see, you look at them and you give them the love that you would like to receive from them, you give them.
That old time, that old fashioned upbringing, [that’s right] you acknowledge people that you don’t even know.
Dr Sebi:
You don’t have to know them, they need your love, like you need theirs.
That’s right. I want to thank you so much Dr Sebi, because you know I was trying to [Sebi: I want to thank you so much too], yes, yes.